
Quote of the Day

“Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend.” – Mark Zuckerberg

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Will the NHS provide my long–term care?

WILL THE NHS PROVIDE MY LONG TERM CARE?Long Term CareOn some occasions Long Term Care is provided and funded by the NHS or alternatively by your local authority. However, depending on your eligibility and financial circumstances you may be expected to contribute to the costs associated with your care.
This may seem complicated but it’s worthwhile understanding should you or a loved one require home care, elderly care or nursing home care.
The average residential care costs approximately £28,500 a year in the UK with additional costs if nurses are required. The cost of 24–hour home care is even higher. If you are…

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Quote of the Day

 ”The secret of getting ahead is getting started” – Mark Twain

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Meet the Fuggers: Jakob ‘the Rich’.

Meet the Fuggers: Jakob ‘the Rich’.
The story of the Fugger family, who controlled Europe’s economy and society in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Jakob ‘the Rich’ Fugger and his family were bankers and merchants who controlled much of Europe’s economy in the 15th and 16th centuries. One of Europe’s wealthiest families, the Fuggers created kings, gave life to cities and led to a split within the Church.
Originating in the Bavarian city Augsburg, they accumulated enormous wealth and controlled a significant amount of trade, particularly in mining. The Fuggers were one of the most influential families of the era. Jakob ‘the Rich’

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Quote of the Day

“The question I ask myself almost every day is, ‘Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?’” – Mark Zuckerberg

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Are you on the best mortgage rate?

Are you on the best mortgage rate?When purchasing a property, a homeowner can opt for either a fixed rate mortgage or variable interest rate mortgage. Either of which will impact how much your mortgage payments will cost, alongside what the terms and conditions of your mortgage lender are. 
If you’re a first–time buyer or looking to move home, it can be overwhelming to get your head around the different payment plans of each mortgage. Here at Financial Foresight we can offer expert advice and guidance to help you decide on which mortgage rates are best suited to your personal needs.
1. Fixed Rate

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Quote of the Day

 “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein

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Buying a home – what do I need to know?

Buying a home – what do I need to know? 
Whether you live with family and friends or rent, owning your own home can be a big step – often the biggest purchase many make in their lifetimes, and a set goal which many save towards and strive for.
When considering your home purchase, there will be lots of different professionals involved – estate agents, surveyors, mortgage brokers, bankers and solicitors may be some of the people who you will deal with over the course of the purchase.
  It is easy to forget that all of these people will need paid, along…

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Quote of the Day 2

 “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”
– Seth Godin, author and entrepreneur.

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Should I save or invest my money?

 Should I save or invest my money?
It’s always a sensible idea to think of your future finances, but the trouble for most people is deciding between whether to save their money or to invest it.
Saving typically involves putting money aside to pay for something specific, such as a house deposit, holiday or to have in the event of an emergency, like a car crash.
Savings are typically held in banks, building societies or even your personal piggy bank at home.
Investing on the other side is the process of buying stocks, property or shares in the hope that they will increase in value…

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